Sunday, June 27, 2010

4 weeks...

Some quick pics, as I and Sis are limiting the time Mommy and Daddy have to ghost write this blog for me

Monday, June 14, 2010

At the zoo, Serena's Birthday

Happy Birthday cousin Serena! Sorry I wasnt awake for most of it. Not that it would have mattered, I can't see that far and I was lying down for most of it! I heard music from what I was told was a carousel and I know I was outside a bit. Outside makes me sleepy. I did eat well. Serena's grandma held me and I did my business. I was also really good in the car. I had fun.

On the Gymini

Mommy put me on the floor and let me play on the Gymini. I had fun. Big Sis had to come over and show me how to play on it. I tried to tell her no, but nothing comes out yet. I like her though. She always check on me...

Friday, June 11, 2010

Week 2

Ok, I think I am starting to get this seeing stuff thing down... I can follow black and white stuff left to right. I also can hear pretty well. I need to see better to avoid my big sister's big hands coming at my nose, ears, eyes.....She loves me though.. I love her too...

Here I am sleeping. I definitely like this. 3-4 hours at a clip. Then i wake, cry a little, get pampered, get a bottle and look around for an hour.
I can sleep on my tummy too! I like this better on Mommy or Daddy though
This is the binky Dev keeps shoving into me.

Friday, June 4, 2010

1 Week Old

Here I am. 7 days old. I think I am getting this baby thing down. I grunt and moan when I need a change or burped. Cry for food. Sleep otherwise. Try to avoid my sister's pokey fingers. So far so good.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

At home

Here I am at home, sleeping in my pack and play. I have had a good couple of days

Everyone came over and I hung with Uncle Stephen
Mommy gave me a sponge bath..I am not liking this naked thing. I like having my socks on.

My handmade Teddy bear from a friend from Daddy's train ride
Here I am posing and in the bouncy seat.
I am actually quite content, but I like to torture Mommy and Daddy whenever they take the camera out, thus all the sour looks. My big Sis is the Big Ham. She will smile for the cameras, I just want my bottle and swaddles.