Friday, October 22, 2010

Hanging out, getting bigger...things are groovy

Hanging out in my pack n play

Mommy, Dev's gonna do something, I am gonna look sad so someone can save me

Finally, some real me my pizza to get the rest of the slice

Looking sharp in a outfit from England, Thanks Cousin Patricia, come here soon!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

My Baptism! Tons of Pics!

 Sunday, I was welcomed into God's family. Everyone dressed up nice. My Big Sis Devany was in a pretty dress courtesy of Cousin Patricia, She says thank you and it is perfect, she loves it.Roseanne and Dan are my Godparents and they helped me through my day. Here are the pictures to prove it.
My Outfit for My Day

I am sure my parents will pull this one out on the first my first date.

Getting ready

My Godmother Roseanne

Dan and Roseanne and me!

Grammy and Grampy

Valerie and Matthew, my buddies

Check out the bling

Getting Baptised

Being Blessed

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Taking a snooze, What i do best

Dev in Patricia's pretty dress

Devany's Posse

The Lynch Cousins

Autnie Rose trying to steal me

My Cousin Regina

Me and my big sis, how she loves me!

Mommy, all pretty holding me

Aunt Ri and cousin James


Daniel and his mommy Liz

Abuela showing me off to her friends

Pop Pop

Roseanne giving us a quiet moment

Arleen and me

Getting some cake!